Handle your tech needs with ease.

About Truit

Leveraging our 20+ years of experience in the IT industry is what keeps your technology working for you and not the other way around.

It’s kinda magical if you think about it!

We’re here to keep you working, anywhere, regardless of what the world throws at you.

Whether you want to adapt your current IT or partner with us to build it from the ground up—we’re ready to go! We seize every opportunity to make your business succeed.

Who we are.

Owners John & Laura Hansman

John worked in the Electronic Security Industry for 20 years, with the majority of that time Managing a 24-hour Monitoring Center. Part of John’s experience includes managing the proprietary hardware, working on multiple, on-going IT projects, and ensuring all technology infrastructure is functioning at peak performance 24/7, 365 Days a year.


Laura worked in the Manufacturing Industry for 14 years, focused on Office Management and Aerospace Compliance. Her experience as a leader and standard process writer, gives truit™ the leadership needed to help clients create and implement best practices and standards.


John and Laura love to travel and seek out adventure, even if it’s in their friend’s backyard. They enjoy growing with their company and helping their employees reach new career heights. John and Laura thrive on helping businesses be as secure as possible so those businesses can continue to grow and succeed. They believe it takes a strong team to be successful and they are determined to build just that!

Take care of your clients and do
what you do best. 

We’ll take care of IT.